Youtube Shorts: Everything You Need To Know To Promote Your Business

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If you’re looking to take your social media game up a notch, Youtube shorts might be the way to go. If you haven’t tried them yet, it’s not too late.

In this blog post I’m going to show you how easy it is and what kind of benefits they can bring. It doesn’t matter if you have zero experience or are an expert in video production because with these tips, anyone can make a good short that will bring traffic back again and again.

So let’s get started!

What’s Youtube Shorts?

Youtube shorts is a new feature rolled out by youtube earlier in the year. What it essentially does is let you create short-form videos that are up to 60 seconds long with our multi-segment camera.

Okay, now you might be thinking: what’s the big deal? Creating Youtube videos is easy right? You have to hold your horses there! As you may know by now, creating a Youtube channel can be a very complex affair and you might be surprised at the level of difficulty involved.

However, Youtube has taken a simplistic approach to making short videos, and as such does away with things like:

– No editing necessary on your part. 

– No background score. 

– No special lighting or backdrops. 

That’s why the Youtube shorts feature is so powerful because it automates most of the steps for you!

You can talk to your camera like a normal Youtube video but with shorter time limit and it will automatically compress, optimize and play on all devices.

Common Youtube Shorts Videos

Youtube Shorts are great to get your audience socializing with your brand. Here are some common videos you can create using this feature.

Musical Lyric Youtube Short – This is the most popular type of Youtube short video. It’s a video full of lyrics that you can sing along with the artist. 

Product Review Youtube Short – Great to create product reviews for brands you love. As a creator, finding out-of-the-box ways to add value to your audience is one of the most valuable skills you can monetize.

Interview/Behind-the-scenes Youtube Short – Best for teasers to drive users to watch the full episode.

How-to Youtube Short – How to videos are great, especially for creators in the food industry. You can create a step by step recipe and compress it in seconds. Your audience will love it.

Humorous Youtube Short – This Youtube short is all about entertainment! Comedy Youtube shorts are very popular on Youtube.

Inspirational Youtube Short – Writers, motivational speakers, mentors can benefit from this kind of short videos. Great to attract new users to your channel.

Can Businesses Use Youtube Shorts?

Absolutely. Youtube Shorts, as it is a new feature, presents a great opportunity for businesses to increase visibility and exposure quickly. Your social media strategy should include Youtube Shorts, starting today!

How do I record a Youtube Short?

To create a short video on YouTube:

  1. Sign in to YouTube on mobile.
  2. Tap create tap Create a Short beta.
  3. To make your Short longer than 15 seconds, tap 15 above the record button to record up to 60 seconds (60).
  4. Note: Recording with music from our library or the original audio from other videos is limited to 15 seconds.
  5. (Optional) Tap Speed to speed up or slow down recording.
  6. (Optional) Tap Timer to set the countdown to record hands-free and choose when to automatically stop recording.
  7. To record a clip, hold the capture button or tap it to start recording and then again to stop.
  8. Tap undo to remove the previous video clip you recorded or tap redo to add it back.
  9. Tap done to preview and enhance your video tap NEXT to add details to your video.
  10. Add a title (max 100 characters) to your short video.
  11. Tap UPLOAD to finish.

What audio can you use in your Shorts?

Accompany your Shorts with a song or audio clip from across Youtube. The audio found in our library is free to use, but only for personal, non-commercial use, unless you have the appropriate licenses. Here’s how to get started:

  1. To find our Audio Library when you’re ready to record, tap Add Sound. Make a selection and then record up to 15 seconds.
  2. To add a song or other audio after you record, tap Sound at the bottom of the edit screen. Sound picked from our library is limited to 15-second clips.

You can also use other sound to create a Short. 

Youtube Shorts Is Part Of Demand Generation Marketing

Simply put, demand generation marketing (sometimes called “demand gen”) refers to any direct marketing campaigns that generate demand for your product or service.

It’s important to understand that demand generation is not a single campaign, but rather an entire strategy that encompasses marketing outreach and customer acquisition activities. It also appears within the larger marketing mix of product/service development, pricing, distribution channels, promotion and sales force management. How these components interact is just as critical to the success of your demand generation marketing strategy as the tactics you choose.

An effective demand generation marketing strategy combines all aspects of online marketing, but tailored to the business goals. The most common online demand generation campaign tactics include email marketing, social media marketing, SEO and content marketing.

All these strategies fall under the umbrella of “demand gen” because they encourage people to take action based on a need or want they have for your product or service.

Since video is the NUMBER ONE way to generate demand, we encourage business owners to take their content marketing to the next level and start creating videos!

Ready To Take Your Content Marketing To The Next Level?

If you’re looking for a way to add video marketing to your social media content, we suggest trying out Youtube shorts. It’s the perfect place to start because it can be as simple or complicated as you want it to be!

The best part? Youtube is free and easy to use. You don’t have any excuse not try your hand at video marketing (or just watch other people’s videos). Want more information on how our demand generation team will help make sure that your target audience sees these videos? Schedule a call with our marketing experts today – we’re ready and waiting!

About Marketing For Greatness:

Marketing For Greatness is a digital marketing agency that specializes in demand generation. We are always looking for new opportunities to learn and share our knowledge, so you are welcome to leave your comments below!  

We offer a free consultation to help you achieve your business goals. During this consultation we can discuss how to improve your digital marketing efforts as well as determine the best strategies for success that align with your current business objectives. You can schedule a free one-hour digital marketing consultation by clicking here.

Marketing For Greatness- Jessica Campos, Forensic Marketing