How to Build Your Marketing Dream Team: 3 Major Roles + Tips from an Austin Social Media Agency

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Are you a marketing maverick, doing everything yourself and swimming in responsibility?

Doing it all is an incredible skill, but sometimes a little help can make all the difference. So, how do you build your marketing dream team when you’re ready to hire some extra hands?

I learned how to do this while building my social media agency in Austin. Here is how to create a marketing team for your own business, including my personal tips and recommendations.

3 Must-Have Areas of Expertise for Building an Outstanding Marketing Team

There are three types of expertise to focus on when building your ideal marketing team: lead generation, monetization, and content.

1. Lead Generation

Lead generation is all about acquiring new leads and customers and keeping up relationships with old ones. The people you add to your team with this skillset need to have a handle on:

  • Brand creation
  • Branding and building brand awareness
  • Lead generation strategy and acquisition strategy
  • Sales process and automation
  • Relationship nurturing on social media
  • Finding qualified sales opportunities

2. Monetization

For any marketing you do, the main goal is to bring in money. However, your team members with expertise in monetization don’t just help you make $$ – they mainly help maximize the money you’re generating. This is where Forensic Marketing comes in handy!

These are the main tasks a monetization team should take care of:

  • Develops the marketing plan to help you measure success over time.
  • Creates high-level strategies that keep the CEO focused on both short-term and long-term goals.
  • Creates marketing strategies to acquire more customers and grow revenue and profits.
  • Integrates different marketing systems to come up with clear metrics to track.
  • Creates and manages lead media buying campaigns (AdWords, PPC, social media ads).

3. Content

Your content team is the brains behind your content. They source it and manage it, too. People with this marketing expertise can do these tasks:

  • Generate content ideas that stick to the monetization plan. Not all content is profitable.
  • Produce high-quality
  • Do marketing
  • Distribute content through the appropriate channels: social media, traditional media, direct mail, direct marketing, etc.
  • Optimize content for better SEO.

Our Austin Social Media Agency’s Secret Sauce for Marketing Teams

These are the same principles that helped me go from freelancer attorney to leading a $5M in revenue law practice. All you need are these three roles covered on your marketing team (lead generation, monetization, and content).

At our social media agency in Austin, we provide these 3 key players that every startup needs to accelerate. We also provide education and reinforcement tools that can be used by the organization to grow its in-house team. Social media marketing training is a good example.

Ready to take the next step with your marketing? Experience a Forensic Marketing Demo and get more smart insights!

Marketing For Greatness- Jessica Campos, Forensic Marketing