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SEO Marketing Trends | MFG

SEO marketing trends keep changing with time but understanding their essence and the latest practices in these trends can help. Learn all about these SEO marketing trends in the article below.

Search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO) are often used interchangeably, but they are actually two different things.

SEM is a type of internet marketing that involves paying for ads that appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

SEO, on the other hand, is a process of optimizing website content and structure to improve SERP rankings organically (i.e. without paying for ads). Both SEM and SEO can be effective ways to improve visibility and traffic, but they should be used as part of a larger internet marketing strategy.

SEO (search engine optimization) is a bit difficult for people to understand. If you search for SEO on the internet, you will find endless information on the topic, but understanding it is a different story. Most of this information can be confusing and technical that doesn’t make sense to most people. 

You have most likely heard of terms like on-site, off-site, technical, and local SEO. That’s not even the full list considering SEO applications and strategies are expanding each day. We are going to dicuss SEO, as well as the popular marketing trends that you can expect from businesses in 2022. It will help you improve your marketing strategies, and get the right results.


SEO Categories

Let’s divide SEO into the following sections for better understanding :

  1. On-Site
  2. Off-Site 
  3. Technical 
  4. Local

On-Site SEO

On-site SEO begins with high-quality content that goes directly on a site. It is because most search engines like Bing, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and others use bots to crawl on web pages to rank site results. Several elements including Meta Descriptions, Title Tags, Alt Tags, internal links all play a vital role for these crawlers. This signals the search engine about the page content and its relevancy.

Off-Site SEO

Off-site SEO or link building includes adding links to authorized and credible sources to improve the quality and ranking of your site. It is an essential part of Google’s understanding of the SEO concept. We also suggest you avoid buying links because it is an older practice, and Google can easily track it.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO revolves around using site improvement s for better ratings. This includes meeting the site’s technical requirements to improve your search engine results. This may include site structure to user experience issues like core web vitals. You also have to ensure a consistent URL structure, which is one of the toughest areas of SEO.

Local SEO

Local SEO involves practices that improve your site’s local ranking. It also includes your site ranking with certain keywords used highly in your area. This kind of approach works best for smaller businesses and gives them a chance to rank higher in results, compared to the bigger sharks in the industry.
You probably have a lot of information to absorb by now, but there are some other things you should keep in mind. For example, we believe that SEO is not just about On-Site or Technical, or local SEO, etc. Instead, things like CRO also matter. Let us discsuss it in detail.

What is CRO?

You will need to implement CRO – Conversions Rate Optimization Strategies if you want to see conversions from your search engine marketing. These include a change that helps improve the conversion rates, i.e. visitors into potential leads. However, it is a bit technical and requires extra attention. For instance, your website should be optimized for the following things in 2022. 


1- Website Speed

Your site’s loading and functioning speed is a big indicator of conversion rates. Users generally leave sites that take more than 3 seconds to load.


2- Website Mobile Response 

Mobile optimized sites are a must-have in 2022 because 90% of the internet traffic comes from mobile devices. You will receive increased traffic once your site is optimized for mobile users. You can reach out to a mobile developer to make this happen.


3- Content SEO and Semantic SEO

Semantic SEO requires gaining a deeper understanding of your audience. You can think of it as keyword research but there is a lot more to it. Businesses need to take take a look into their traffic’s search and intention. This makes businesses think beyond ‘what questions they start with’. It also encourages users to look for things that the traffic may search for ahead, and provide it on site. 

Note that keyword optimization is not enough to improve ranking. It is why users have to produce content that meets the intent and needs of the customers. Fortunately, Content and Semantic SEO address this need.

The latest update on Google’s Algorithm in 2021 also made profound changes to the ranking criteria. Some of the elements that Google changed include: 
  1. Identifying and nullifying link spam
  2. Reducing sites with sponsored, guest, and affiliate content
  3. Making robust ranking changes in these sites accordingly.

4- Local SEO 

Local SEO aims to optimize a site so that users in the area can easily find content. It also assists ranking ability with certain keywords and phrases. However, local SEO is not as simple as it seems. It doesn’t only include adding a location in your site keywords You will also need to take care of plenty of other things such as the Google Business profile, as well as your Schema mark-up, and more. 

5- Internal & External Links – More Than Just a Signal

Internal links refer to a link from another page on the same website. This includes hyperlinks from other pages as well. However, areas like website navigation are also an example of these links. These internal links also pass the authority on your pages and allow readers to know more about your business. Notice that you won’t see a change in the Domain Authority, but you will still pass “page authority” through them. Internal links also allow pages with search engine rankings.

6- SEO Anything- including Social Media SEO

Social media marketing allows users to SEO optimize pretty much anything they can come across. This includes the following information formats.
  1. Images
  2. Audio
  3. Videos
  4. Text
Social media plays an essential part because it not only has an impact on SEO ranking but also the links shared on social platforms. These links increase brand exposure and allow traffic increase. Moreover, customer experience will impact your website stats such as time spent on your site, pages read, etc. All of these factors contribute to improving site reputation and response rates in search engines.
In 2022, we encourage businesses to be mindful of what their users want so they can create content for their audience. This is where conversions will happen, not from tactics but a strategic approach. Therefore, these simple methods can prove helpful for creating better strategies.

Bottom Line

Understanding SEO trends is a bit difficult for most companies because it requires strategies that focus on a broader approach. However, focusing on simple steps like user intent, updating expanding content, first-party data collection, and understanding differences across platforms can help you optimize your SEO strategies. We can offer a marketing assessment, for your SEO needs. 
It all starts with knowing where your brand is at! Let’s have a chat soon!
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