Lead Generation Online Made Simple For Advisors & Agents

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If you are a service based professional: realtor, coach, consultant, insurance agent, financial advisor, etc, struggling with lead generation online, you are not alone. Lead generation is pretty much a part time job.

What are the best lead generation strategies for you, as a service provider? Let’s discuss some lead generation ideas that will help to get you more leads and more customers as well.

Why lead generation online can be frustrating:

According to the recent survey by Gartner, lead generation is a key pain point for 58% of business leaders, and this percentage is unlikely to decrease in the near future.

(a) Lead generation online requires new skills, which professionals might not have the time or desire to learn.

(b) It can be time consuming, just like cold calling.

(c) Some professionals are hesitant to share their personal lives online for fear of privacy.

Would it be great if you had leads coming your way, instead of the other way around?

Instead of blindly reaching out to people who are part of your target audience, how about reaching out to those who are actually interested in the product/service that you provide?

This is where Inbound Marketing comes in.

Where cold calling relies on the hit and miss approach, inbound marketing helps companies attract prospects to their website by generating content that the latter actually wants to read. This content enables the audience to determine if the products or services provided by that company are suited to satisfy their needs.

What is inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing services that works

Inbound marketing is a technique for attracting prospects to your company’s products and services by leveraging quality content, social media, SEO. It’s generally perceived as one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways of converting strangers into customers while also creating powerful promoters who will be effective in helping spread word about what you’re doing at work or home.

How lead generation online can be made easier:

Inbound marketing makes lead generation online easier. By staying at the top of your customers’ mind, companies can reduce their lead efforts to a great extent. This is possible by making it easy for prospects to find important information about the product/service that they offer on their website.

It is no longer possible for businesses to rely solely on outbound lead generation or in person events to reach prospects.

Here are some of the strategies you can implement today to generate leads.

#1 – Generate leads online with a content platform.

Content marketing is growing in popularity, because it offers lead generation opportunities for prospects as well as for future buyers of you services.

Develop case studies, how-to videos about topics relating to lead generation that interest your lead.

#2 – Collaborate with content creators for lead generation.

Reach out to bloggers, savvy authors, social media influencers, and other lead generating professionals and discuss ways that you can collaborate on lead generation projects.

One way is to offer them a lead magnet in exchange for an interview about their business essentials lead generation tips.

#3 – Position yourself as authority in the market.

Speaking engagements and workshops can offer you the opportunity to position yourself in front of your ideal client.

Be sure to select your speaking topics strategically, so you can have prospects coming your way, asking for advice and resources.

#4 – Implement a content marketing campaign across multiple channels.

What is multi-channel marketing?

Multi-channel marketing involves marketing across different platforms in order to have a wider reach of (prospective) customers. Instead of relying on one medium to communicate with the public, multi-channel marketing means you are spreading out your efforts to interact with more people. In essence, multi-channel marketing is being everywhere at once.

Multi-channel marketing increases awareness of your brand. Research states that most people require five to seven impressions to remember a brand. Therefore, utilizing multiple platforms would make your brand more popular. This would subsequently increase conversion.

#5 – Hold lead generation webinars.

Lead generation webinars are a great lead conversion tool for lead generating professionals who offer their services online. It’s an effective tool when trying to collect leads, as long as your content is valuable to the attendees.

#6 – Generate leads online by being relevant to your audience.

You can generate leads online by just being helpful. Craft posts and infographics on popular topics, according to your lead’s interests and needs. Share it with your social media followers, email lists, sms, etc.

#7 – Run a giveaway or contest on social media.

Are you considering lead generation online contests?

According to Forbes, 79% of internet users are more likely to purchase from a brand they “like” on social media, and 62% of them would even share branded content with their peers.

Lead contests can be like lead magnets. The key is to offer something of value.

#8 – Start a show and interview leaders, experts, and consultants.

Interview lead generating professionals who can add value to your audience.

#9 – Host an online event: challenge, conference, etc.

An online event can be a lead generation strategy. Whether it’s an exclusive seminar, free training session or a live Q&A, you can promote your event and get hundreds of attendees easily.

#10 – Go live on Facebook + Instagram.

Go live on social media will help your audience interact with you on a 1-on-1 basis. They can ask questions and you can lead your answers in the direction of where lead will be lead to conversion.

How much time would you need to implement inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing is completely scaleable. You can outsource all the content production and all you need to do is simply build the relationships with the leads.

How much is an inbound marketing – content marketing plan?

A complete inbound marketing solution with content written for you, advice on which channels to share, lead generation tactics to promote your magnet, and more can cost $1,000 – $3,000 per month.

What if you don’t want to be on video?

Inbound marketing is about creating content that provides value for your audience. You don’t need to be on video to benefit from inbound marketing! The idea of inbound marketing is to create content that adds value for your audience. It doesn’t focus on turning you into an influencer.

Strategize With An Inbound Marketing Expert

When it comes to lead generation, there are a lot of options out there. In this post we’ve outlined 10 different methods that can help with more leads with less work. Which one will you try first?

If you need additional guidance on how best to implement these tactics in your business or want some tips for getting those leads turn into potential customers, schedule a consultation today! We would love the chance to chat about what’s working (or not) in your demand generation efforts so far and provide helpful feedback – just pick a day from our calendar.

Marketing For Greatness- Jessica Campos, Forensic Marketing