How To Get Real Instagram Followers Using Seductive Copy

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Did you say you want to know how to get real Instagram followers? What about marketing leads and sales from your Instagram marketing? ⁣

Help is coming your way 💸💸💸⁣

More than 200 million Instagram users visit at least one business profile every day, and 90% of Instagram profiles follow at least one brand.

Instagram is the #1 social platform to grow a brand using organic marketing strategies. Organic Instagram marketing is a great strategy for solopreneurs and small business owners looking to grow their brand without breaking their banking account.

How To Get Real Instagram Followers in 2021



If you’re looking to add visibility to your brand, you certainly want to use Instagram marketing. Your most logical question is “how do I get followers fast?” I get it. The last thing you want is to put in a lot of work and only have 7 followers. That makes no sense!

While it’s logical taking shortcuts to gain Instagram followers fast and free, the key question here is “real Instagram followers”.

Real Instagram followers mean targeted followers. People who could be your clients at some point. Buying followers just to have some numbers to show up for, it’s not a strategy that we recommend unless all you want is to have an account with thousands of users, knowing that they won’t ever be your real followers.

As tempting as it sounds to pay $50 and get 5,000 followers by tomorrow, let’s get you to stay away from that and do try my Seductive Instagram Funnel Strategy instead.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 ⁣

I’m sure you have read from Instagram gurus all kinds of tricks to hack the algorithm. Those tips on how to get hashtags done right, how to get more reach from each post hacking the best times to post, etc, are effective, but they are just tips, not a strategy.

Since you want to grow a real audience, your Instagram marketing plan must be strategic. Would you be open to put in the time to market your business if you knew the specific activities that work? What if those would take you less than 1 hour a day? Would it be worth it?

Do you see? You are willing to put in the work. We just need to create a strategic plan to ignite conversions from your Instagram marketing.

If you want to get real Instagram followers and see cash coming in, content marketing is the way to go.


What Is Content Marketing Anyway?

As a matter of fact, content marketing won’t be effective without a content strategy.

I’ve been teaching Instagram marketing and content marketing and one of my favorite concepts to teach is persuasion.

Certainly, when you say “I want real followers”, you’re saying “I want to learn how to win people and influence them”. That is exactly what you want, even when you don’t say it in those exact words.

Is it possible to persuade people on Instagram? Absolutely yes.

When you think seductive, think like “porn”. Anything “porn” ignites your imagination.

Why? These pics cause your brain to crave something that it has not had for a while or that it feels like it needs. This is not wrong because it wants what it needs. But this is food porn and it stimulates your craving. So, now you are craving this food that you can not have, and you keep scrolling through your feed and see a post saying you should eat what you want because your body will always be beautiful, regardless of what you eat.

Food porn gives you cravings!

It’s all science! Our right brain gets activated and starts thinking about food and connects your emotions. ⁣

Well… that’s seduction. ⁣

You certainly can seduce your audience. It takes some technique and practice. But … that’s one of the topics I covered in my new book on Social Selling, called Your Social Visibility Blueprint.



Instagram Content Strategy – The Seductive Way

The seductive Instagram Marketing Funnel starts with your strategic thinking!

When users are on your page, your goal is to captivate their attention and show them your value in less than five seconds.

Do you think your Instagram page can do that?  Be honest.

The best way to connect with your audience on any other social channel is by mapping their experience, all while considering each stage of their decision-making process.

That is where your content marketing strategy comes handy!


Content Marketing Strategy – The Practical Way

Your content is your message. That’s easy! However, the way that message is perceived by your users is what turns this process into a very complex one.

Since we don’t know how each of the users will think about the brand message, I can only focus my content marketing strategy based on the science that we know.

Using the science of persuasion we can eliminate the guess on how to influence people. In other words, when you’re building your content marketing strategy, you can’t miss the elements of persuasion.

The science of persuasion or Science of Influence comes from social psychology. Books and Influence: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini shows us how we can develop our communication skills in order to influence the decisions of individuals.

Here’s a recap of how Dr. Cialdini’s 6 Principles of Persuasion work, and how to use them in your own marketing strategy:


  1. Reciprocity
  2. Commitment & Consistency
  3. Social Proof
  4. Liking
  5. Authority
  6. Scarcity


A Checklist To Craft Content For Your Instagram – The Seductive Way


1- Instagram strategy

Think about your future buyers and ways to activate the science of persuasion, such as:


  • Social proof: show your accolades in stories and add them to Instagram stories highlights
  • Authority: share content where your audience can see you as a leader in your industry

One of our most recent authority building campaigns was “Meet The Author”. This was a series of 12 posts dedicated to sharing highlights of our marketing career to tease our audience about the upcoming book. By the end of the series, I had users sending messages with questions!

2- Audience research

Use Facebook’s Audience Insights Tool to define your target audience and do some research. You’ll find out details about which brands do they follow and this will give you ideas for content – knowing that your target audience will receive it well.

By taking an extra step to know what your audience wants, you can activate the science of persuasion by using likeability.


3- Instagram Bio

Since your strategy is to raise your influence over those users who are about to find your Instagram, think about ways to influence them in 3 seconds or less.

Note: remember that your Instagram BIO needs to fit in 150 characters or less.

Tips to craft your Instagram Bio


  1. Use a professional profile picture
  2. Mention your accolades
  3. Be consistent in your user name and brand
  4. Don’t oversell yourself
  5. Use keywords to activate SEO

See an Instagram BIO idea from Julia McCoy, founder of Express Writers, our #1 content writing partner. They simply get content writing done the right way!



4- Freebie that converts

One of Cardini’s principles is reciprocity.

What is reciprocity in the science of persuasion?

If a request is preceded by an unexpected gift, it has a greater probability to convince potential customers. The gift will make them feel the importance of returning or reciprocating the favor.

Social norms compel us to respond to a favor with another favor, in order to not be considered ungrateful. Think about your daily life… Isn’t it easier to get a person to do you a favor after you have given them a gift or done something for them? That feeling of obligation makes them more inclined to agree to your request.

An initial favor will be reciprocated many times over in the future.

For that reason, we encourage you to do more freebies and market them in your BIO. Since your goal is not only to attract real followers but also turn them into real customers, a freebie will allow you to activate sales funnels and further develop content for all your sales funnel stages. Mixing email marketing with your Instagram marketing will turn a simple and organic activity into a powerful one. You will be able to nurture your audience and cultivate relationships.

5- Giveaways on Instagram

Instagram giveaways are limited-time promotions in which brands promise to give away a product or service to one (or more) lucky entrants according to a specified set of criteria.

If you want to speed the process of prospecting on Instagram, a giveaway is the way to go!


An example of content for a giveaway


Giveaway Time
♡ G I V E A W A Y ♡What better way to kick off______ than with a giveaway. 
 We partnered with @______ to give one lucky winner a______________ ✨⠀
To enter:♡ Like this photo ♡ Follow @_____ & @______
♡ Tag as many friends as you want on this post (1 comment = 1 entry)
♡ BONUS: get 10 extra entries when you share this post to your stories, tag us both, & mention the giveaway! (Public accounts only)〰️Giveaway is open WORLDWIDE 🌎 and will run until _________.
Winner will be announced on stories the following Friday. This giveaway is not affiliated with Instagram. Good luck!! 🌸


Instagram giveaway pickers

Once you launch your giveaway and its end date, be consistent! We’ve tried several giveaway pickers and has been very useful.


6- Consider done-for-you content (for free)

If the process of elaborating content, especially implementing seduction, feels overwhelming, try using my content planner, with done for you content that you can literally copy and paste and boost your social media!


How to get Instagram content for free?

Well, my book has them – a full year, done for you! And it’s technically free! This content will save you literally dozens of hours per month.

Check out an example of one week of content that you will find in my Social Visibility Blueprint, part 4:


Week 19

Post 1: Dramatic Joy
Strategy:Promote your business!
Don’t wanna be dramatic but I’m jumping of joy with this amazing news: MY NEW _____  LAUNCHES ON _______!

Past 2: Best Deal Ever
Strategy: Promote your business!
Let’s make a deal: Can we trade something?
(Explain how did you come up with the thing you’re about to launch)
____ months later, I’ve decided to stop making excuses and start having fun.
I know I can totally fail at this. But I’m willing to try.
Can we make a deal? I am willing to trade my fear for fun and launch this ______ thing. 
The future is ours for the taking.
Reach out, hold on, and grab tight as it takes you where you want to go.
Are you ready to make this trade?

Post 3: Office Tour
Take a product or a service on a tour and make an amazing picture.
Today we are taking our _____ to (public and popular location). We totally loved the fact that we get to impact people in _______. 


Organic Strategies To Get Real Instagram Followers

While content marketing will allow you to be ready to receive strangers, getting Instagram followers will require activities to FIND users from your niche market.


Ways to Get Authentic Followers on Instagram


  1. Search by hashtags and leave out-of-the-box comments (remember to use seduction)
  2. Follow industry leaders and join a discussion
  3. Join Facebook groups
  4. Leverage email marketing to ask your email subscribers to follow you
  5. Start with your connections – find them on Instagram!

Don’t forget to add offline marketing into the mix!


  1. Promotional products
  2. Business cards
  3. Trade shows
  4. Speaking at events
  5. Networking events
  6. Press releases
  7. Workshops
  8. Direct mail
  9. Coupons
  10. Flyers
  11. Cold calling


Closing Thoughts on Getting Real Instagram Followers

Instagram and social media channels in general have a lot to offer.

Consider discussing your Instagram marketing strategy with an expert! Here’s my calendar!


Marketing For Greatness- Jessica Campos, Forensic Marketing