A Must-Attend Virtual Conference For Business Owners In Austin

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If you’re an industry leader, entrepreneur, marketer, or a professional looking to build relationships more than anything else, this virtual conference is where you want to be.

Jessica Campos – Marketing for Greatness has been hosting business networking events in Austin for the last three years, connecting professionals and entrepreneurs who want to expand their professional network.  Networking events have been the heart of this community that now is known as ATXPEN – Austin Professionals & Entrepreneurs Network, with 5,300 members and counting. 

Since we haven’t been able to host happy hours, which have brought thousands of people together, we decided to bring something different to our community so we could make it up for the plenty of events missed. That’s how Connections 2020 was born.

A Virtual Conference Designed For Small Business Owners

With Connections 2020, you’ll have access to practical advice, tools, and be able to initiate discussions about the following 9 categories:

  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. Brick & Mortar Business
  3. Ultimate Productivity
  4. Prospecting & Sales
  5. Online Marketing
  6. Video Marketing
  7. Paid Media
  8. Experiential Marketing & Hospitality
  9. Amplify Your Visibility

What Makes Connections 2020 Different Than Any Other Marketing Conference

Number One: Strategic Networking

Connections 2020 is all about generating strategic conversations that allow you to grow your network. You will make lasting connections through peer learning and mentorship opportunities with some of the brightest minds in marketing, sales, and entrepreneurship. 

It’s not the kind of conference where you just attend and listen to the gurus, take notes, and leave. Our talks will give you the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals.

Number Two: You’ll Get Exposure

During this 2-day conference, you’ll have opportunities to get the spotlight and share what your business is about. 

It’s not just about you coming as a student. This conference has been designed for leaders.

Number Three: Get Connected With Global Brands

Our number one goal at Connections 2020 is to help you expand your professional network.  Our Expert Speakers are seasoned trainers with amazing wisdom who come from a place of giving and serving.  

We have over 20 talks for you. We understand that 2 days won’t be enough time for you to go through all the content and that’s why you’ll have unlimited access to the content until December 31, 2020.

Number Four: Get Access To Paid Content

Your CEO pass will give you access to content that will be delivered live and on-demand. After the conference ends, you will have unlimited access for the rest of 2020.

We are talking about a wealth of information! And it’s $37.

Results-Driven Topics

Our topics at Connections 2020 were picked thinking about the current challenges that business owners are encountering and practical solutions.

Spectrum Reach is one of our Elite Sponsors and will bring us OTT (Over-The-Top) Advertising, by Eastan Croson, Advanced Advertising Sales Manager with Spectrum Reach.

Check out Eastan Croson Career Highlights:

✔ Directed sales teams in multiple markets resulting in 20% revenue growth YOY 

✔ Developed and employed email marketing strategy that generated more than $1 million in revenue in less than a year 

✔ Directed online content and digital advertising strategy, increasing website page views by 153%

This talk alone can transform your business! But we have 20 more! 

Digital Tools Needed For Increasing Efficiency And Growing Your Bottom Line by Rachel Schapiro with Vcita. 

How to Build an Online Audience Through Powerful, Consistent Search Optimized Content Creation by Julia McCoy.

Communicating with Confidence in a Virtual World by Kim & Mike Barnes.

How To Get Your Facebook Ads For A Penny by Jessica Campos.

Easy Ways To Rank in Google, by Alexander Rodriguez, Director of SEO, Apogee Results.

Click here to access the full list of speakers!

Get Your Pass To Connections 2020 

Click here to book your spot.

Marketing For Greatness- Jessica Campos, Forensic Marketing