10 Tips To Increase Conversions From SEO Content Writing

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Advice from SEO Content Writers

If you are not generating conversions from your content, read on. We have 10 tips that will increase your conversions through compelling SEO content writing. 

How do you make content that converts?

Many bloggers and marketers are looking to increase their web traffic and generate more revenue, but don’t know where to start. This post will provide you with 10 tips on how to create high-performing SEO content that is both engaging for your target audience as well as Google’s bots.

So, let’s dive in!

1. Write for Your Customers’ User Intent

Search engines use algorithms to process queries and show results based on the user’s query. As it turns out, 99% of all search terms fall under 4 different intent categories: informational, navigational, commercial and transactional.

The first step to writing for the right search term is to identify which intent your user is searching for. To test the current state of your product or marketing copy, ask yourself: “which of these intents are my users trying to accomplish with this search?”

Each intent has its own character and language, but they all have one thing in common: they are all about the user. For example, when someone is searching for a specific solution to their problem, this intent is called “informational” – which matches your customer’s language with words such as:

How do I…? What is…? Why should I use…? Which of these is best for me?

When your future buyers type in those questions, write with solutions and evidence so that you can position yourself as a thought leader. As an example, let’s write a search term for a hypothetical app about content writing. If someone were to type in “How do I write a blog?”, the intent is informational. In this case, we are looking for keywords such as: step by step, wow-to, best tools, templates, benefits, tips.

However, if the same person types in “blog writing services”, they are in a commercial intent. This means that they are “shopping around” for solutions. You certainly want your content marketing to position your solutions in front of those users.

The 4 types of user intent for SEO are:

Informational, navigational, commercial and transactional.

The intent of your user’s search is important in determining what your content needs to be. If you are not seeing conversions from your content writing, review your topics.

2. Write a Strong Headline/Subheadline Combination

Your SEO content headlines and subheads should be used to tease the main points. These are SEO copywriting techniques that will make your headings more dynamite for landing pages, engaging customers, and enticing clicks. Make your SEO headlines so intriguing that the customer will want to read more. SEO copywriting is perfect for this, but keep it short and sweet!

For example:

SEO Copywriting Techniques #1

SEO Copywriting Techniques: #2 

By optimizing your headlines will not only increase the readability of your content but will motivate your readers to read until the end and pursue your call to action.

3. Use Mobile User Intent

SEO content marketing needs to consider the particular needs of those who search from mobile devices. They search from their mobile devices, but they will access your page from their desktop, later on, to make a transaction. 

Do people buy more on mobile or desktop?

Regardless of which device consumers use to access the web, units per order—or the average total item count of an order, a new Episerver report finds that consumers still choose desktop as the dominate device to make ecommerce orders, even though smartphones are the majority of web traffic.

In this report, mobile was found to be the main device from which consumers accessed the web, with 50% of all online sessions coming from a smartphone device, 41% from a desktop and only 9% from tablets. Regardless of which device consumers use to access the web, units per order are 24% higher on a desktop than a smartphone and 14% higher on tablets than smartphones, with 3.6 units being purchased on a desktop and 3.3 units and 2.9 units on a tablet and smartphone, respectively.

Optimizing your website for mobile devices can increase conversions by as much as 300%.

4. Inform Customers in a Trustful, Creative, Accurate Way

SEO content marketing is not only about SEO copywriting; it is also about relaying information to consumers through attractive writing that grabs the attention of search engine users.

Writing for SEO is not the same as writing a blog post, an instruction manual or any other type of document. Rather, it requires a combination of the different writing styles in order to reach your target audience and increase your rankings at the same time.

Incorporate relevant and catchy stories so your readers can feel your presence behind your content.

5. Keep your article concise

Keep your article concise (most SEO specialists say that SEO content should be no more than 500 words). Short SEO articles are easier to read, more beneficial for search engine spiders, naturally SEO optimized and users will not get bored.

6. Write your content scannable

Scannable content is when people can read it and understand it quickly. SEO content should not be a one-time read. SEO content should communicate information that people need to know on their first read and in parts they can recognize on a second or third pass. SEO articles with good SEO copywriting are scannable.

A study titled “The F-Shaped Pattern of Reading Online” found that as a reader scans text, they read the sentence above the paragraph first. The reader then moves back down to the previous paragraph or two. This is an F-shape pattern of reading online. SEO content should be SEO designed to follow an SEO F shape design.

7. Integrate “people also asked” into your SEO writing

You should include in your SEO content a list of questions or an article that covers the topic you are targeting, but they don’t need to be identical. This will increase user satisfaction, as they will have more answers to their “people also asked” questions.

Adding questions will give your readers information they can further share on social media.

An example of using the “people also asked” content writing SEO could be as follows:

Pick your best-performing blogs and add content based on what people have asked, paying attention to the questions that they ask when they are ready to buy. For example, instead of content writing SEO, look up for “hire seo content writing”.  The closer you get to those questions asked by people ready to convert, the higher your opportunities.

8. Use schema markups to increase traffic

There are many SEO tips SEO content writers should know, but by far one of the most powerful SEO strategies SEO copywriters can use is schema markups. SEO schema markups are a way for websites to tell search engines that their site has certain features such as location, price, and tagline.

What are these SEO markups?

The SEO markup fields in HTML are typically created using tags such as <h2>, <h3>, <h4> etc. SEO content writers should create headings for different topics and SEO categories under their article and then apply relevant SEO tags to them.

For example, a writer looking to SEO optimize SEO content SEO on SEO copywriting should SEO title SEO with the SEO topic and SEO keyword “how to write SEO content for SEO”:

<h1>How to SEO Write Good SEO Copy</h1>

<h2>Learn how to SEO write content that will rank in Google’s search results.</h2>

Take advantage of markups, especially those who can position your services.

9. Use H1, H2, H3, and H4 correctly

H1 is the heading for SEO content SEO writing that corresponds with SEO keywords.

H2 provides a detailed focus on the topic of the article.

H3 is used to separate topics in SEO content, and it should be placed under relevant sections in the article.

H4 heads provide users keywords while creating user interested formatting for scannable text. 

If your articles have subjects but they are not set up as headlines, this can be an opportunity to optimize them.

10. Avoid random topics. Be specific and build a campaign for a niche

Instead of building content to hit keywords, develop an entire content marketing campaign hyper focused on a target audience.

In Conclusion: SEO content marketing works great!

In general, writing for SEO should not take away the main focus of why you are writing, which is to communicate with humans! And if you want to see more conversions, you need to start writing for those users who are considering to buy what you have to offer, today! 

Accelerate Your Growth With Our SEO Content Services 

We hope you found some value in these 10 tips. However, if SEO content writing still feels like a lot of work and time to produce, book a call with our experts who can take an objective look at your current marketing strategy and provide expert advice on how we could help you improve it. There’s no better way to grow your business than by getting the right mix of quality content that gets shared online!

Marketing For Greatness- Jessica Campos, Forensic Marketing