How To Use A 90 Day Planner To Boost Sales – Planning My Greatness

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Whether you’ve just purchased your very first Planning My Greatness guide, or you are an entrepreneur looking to see if Planning My Greatness is right for you, you are likely focused on the goal of scaling your business and building a strong client base. As a new or veteran business leader, your dreams and aspirations are only as strong as the clients who you draw in to experience what you have to offer!

If you are ready to supercharge your clientele and discover new ways to engage your marketplace, the Planning My Greatness planner is the daily action planner you need in your toolbox. 

In this post, we will break down how the Planning My Greatness planner works, and how you can use this unique paper planner to say goodbye to social media marketing and content marketing overwhelm and hello multiple $100,000’s in revenue.

Planning My Greatness – Online Marketing Strategy Done For You

The Planning My Greatness planner is more than your average business tool. Each page of this paper business planner is built with intentional, step-by-step guides that will inspire you to dream, plan, and launch the business that you want to lead.

Implementation begins with inspiration. That is why Planning My Greatness begins with an inventory that allows you to put into words the passion and purpose behind your business venture. Through a series of guided prompts, you will have the opportunity to put pen (or pencil!) to paper and remind yourself why you set out to bring your dreams to life! 

Every Planning My Greatness planner comes with a full, blank calendar that is undated – perfect for picking up and starting at any time of the year! With multiple cover styles available, you’ll find a version that fits your unique style. 

The next step is to customize the calendar with your business’s specific goals, metrics, client information – whatever details you need to help you beat your deadlines and achieve your goals!

Your 30-60-90 Day Plan To Get More Clients

Planning My Greatness is the perfect tool to supercharge your client base in as little as 90 days. Based on the proven method of developing “sprints” in your goal-setting strategies, each step of the planner is built to create a 30-60-90 day plan for discovering and landing the best clients for your business. 

In five steps, the strategic section of Planning My Greatness will take you from dreaming to goal-setting to client success faster than you could imagine!

Be sure to complete this session before even customizing your calendar. In this way your daily tasks will be intentionally integrated with your 30-60-90 plan.

Step 1:  Take An Inventory of Your Success & Failures

The first step in the process is to take an inventory of your client building successes and failures. Yup – even the failures! 

While it can be exciting and inspiring to focus on the ways that you have been successful in building high-quality client relationships, many of the greatest insights and lessons you can learn in your entrepreneurial journey come from your biggest mistakes and missteps.

Planning My Greatness begins with an inventory page that walks you through the process of answering important questions that will help you understand what kind of client you are looking for, and what type of customer may not be worth your limited time and resources.

The goal is to begin to become aware of your goals, and remind yourself of what – and who – you originally set out to build your business for! When you understand your perfect client, you can begin to laser-focus on the best ones! You will be able to create a social media content calendar that truly focuses on driving leads and conversions. 

But how exactly can you strategize to attract your perfect client?

Step 2: Create Your Customer Avatar or Customer Persona 

Once you’ve completed your inventory, you will have a better idea as to the kind of client that best fits your business. To help you develop the perfect client, you will create your “Customer Avatar”.

Imagine the client that you absolutely love working with. The kind of client that fills you with passion and reminds you of why you started your business. That is your Customer Avatar (or Customer Persona) – a well-defined picture of the best possible client you could find.

Planning My Greatness walks you through the creation of your Customer Avatar, helping you discover and define the traits and characteristics that make a great client for your product and service. With insightful avatar questions and worksheets, Planning My Greatness allows you to hone in on the persona that you are looking for in a high-quality client. With your Customer Avatar defined and in-hand, you are ready to start building your prospecting list!

Step 3: Develop Your Client Prospecting List

Once you know your perfect client, it’s time to go find them! 

Now, obviously there are likely very few perfect clients, but there are far more low-hanging fruit out there in the marketplace than you may expect! Planning My Greatness will guide you through a prospect list creation process that will help you create a list of high-priority potential clients you can start contacting right now. You will find tips included such as:

  1. What is a low-hanging fruit client in the business world? Low hanging fruit meaning in business.
  2. Why you shouldn’t pitch your business to your friends and family. 
  3. How to leverage your sphere of influence to get introductions to your avatars.
  4. Tips on building a high-quality prospecting list.

Step 4: Cold Marketing Techniques 

With your client list in hand, the real work begins. It’s time to take a step of courage and begin marketing your brand to the world! 

A cold marketing activity is referred to any communication sent without prior permission from or contact with the recipient. 

If you hate spam and knocking doors, fortunately, you aren’t alone in this endeavor. 

To help you start reaching the most qualified and valuable clients as determined by your Client Avatar, Planning My Greatness will help you find the most effective ways to start cold marketing (and market successfully). From drawing in potential client traffic through events, freebies, and paid ads to building and promoting informative content such as blogs and webinars, there is no limit to how creative you can get with your cold marketing.

By combining these proven marketing techniques with the Planning My Greatness 30-60-90 framework and trackers, you will develop a marketing strategy for reaching high-quality clients across the spectrum of marketing outlets.

Simply pick three to five marketing activities, and use the built-in trackers in the planner to start creating, implementing, and launching your brand into the world. Keep your Client Avatar in the center of your focus, and in no time your targeted methods will begin to draw more clients than you could ever expect.

Step 5: Connect With Your Inner Child 

While online marketing may be overwhelming, Planning My Greatness is a surefire way to build your brand while having a blast. When it comes to creating ideas for your content marketing and promotion, don’t be afraid to tap into your inner child to come up with the industry’s next big idea!

Ask yourself: if my brand had the chance to advertise on millions of television screens during the Super Bowl, what kind of amazing, fun, and creative ideas would I dream up? Choose your wildest idea, and give it a shot! 

The Planning My Greatness planner is one of the best ways to bring out your creative side – allowing you to get over the hump of fear and step into what the world of entrepreneurship has to offer. Don’t be afraid to get your feet wet, and if you slip and fall – cannonball into the business waters with style!

The purpose of Planning My Greatness is to reduce social media overwhelm, add clarity, and inspiration to create content that grows your business so it doesn’t feel like work- ever!

What’s Next? Buy Your Planning My Greatness Today! and start preparing your next great move! It’s $33 in Amazon.

Marketing For Greatness- Jessica Campos, Forensic Marketing