Why Can’t I Boost My Reels On Instagram? Troubleshoot Common Reels Ads Issues

The Greatness Blog

Why Can’t I Boost My Reels On Instagram? Troubleshoot Common Reels Ads Issues

Find out what you can do if your ads are getting disapproved on Instagram and how to prevent them from being rejected in the future.

Reels is the future of video storytelling on Instagram. It already makes up 20% of the time spent on the platform. That means that if you’re not using Reels to tell your brand story, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity.

Are Reels good for business account?


Absolutely yes. There are a few key reasons:

1- Reels are highly engaging, and users are much more likely to watch a Reel than any other type of content on Instagram.

2- They’re also fun and creative, which gives brands a chance to show off their personality. Plus, Reels are easy to make and don’t require a lot of time or resources.

3- When you share content using Reels, the algorithm pushes your content to users who are not following you, giving you the chance to gain followers.

4- Users engage more with Reels content because they are entertaining, digestible, and relatable.

Why Are Reels A Great Way To Grow Your Followers?

Reels are a great way to grow followers because they’re highly engaging and the algorithm pushes your content to users who are not following you. When you use Reels the right way, you can increase your reach and get more people interested in your brand.

How To Gain Followers Using Reels?

Pull your audience in and entertain them with content that appeals to their ears, eyes and hearts.

1. Design for sound on

Over 80% of Reels are viewed with sound.1 Music can be an effective audio strategy for captivating attention and creating connection, particularly when it complements the mood of your story (i.e. relaxing, inspiring, energizing, chill, dreamy).

2. Dazzle with visual effects

Adding effects are a great way to inject a little fun in your Reels and enhance the story — in fact, over 40% of Reels use effects.1 Try effects like green screen to help you layer first-person video commentary onto content.

3. Inspire an emotional response

Entertaining ads tend to elicit emotions like happiness, interest and curiousity. Consider sparking intrigue by taking an edutainment approach and teaching your audience something new or helping them learn more about something they already love.


Boost Your Reels to Reach New Audiences

Can you boost Reels on Instagram?

Yes! You can now boost your Reels on Instagram to reach more people.

Here’s how:

1. Go to your business profile and click on the Reels tab.

2. Find the Reel you want to boost and click the “Promote” button.

3. Choose your objective (reach, website clicks or conversions) and target audience.

4. Set your budget and duration, then click “Confirm.”

5. Your Reel will start promoting as an ad once it’s been reviewed and approved.

Keep in mind that you can’t boost Reels with:

– Camera filters

– Shared to Facebook

– Gifs

– Tappable elements

– Copyrighted music

If you’re having trouble boosting your Reel, keep reading! We have some solutions that can help you get approved.


Which reels can be boosted?

Businesses can now boost their reels within the Instagram app to turn them into ads for the opportunity to reach new audiences and drive more engagement. Boosted Reels, summarized in the reel below, will appear in feedStories, the Reels tab and the explore page to help new customers find your brand.

To be eligible for boosting within the Instagram app, reels must be less than 60 seconds and have a 9:16 aspect ratio, which means they’re filmed vertically and have a full-screen format. At this time, Reels that use third party IP—such as copyrighted music, GIFs, interactive stickers or camera filters in a Reel—are ineligible for boosting, as well as reels shared to Facebook.

If you’re looking to boost your reach on Instagram, Reels Ads is a great way to do it. However, at this time, not every Reel can be boosted. Here’s a look at some of the most common problems and how to solve them.

Problem 1: Video Resolution

If you’re getting this error, most likely, your video has a filter effect.

How to fix this problem? Assuming that you want to keep using the filter, you can download the Reel using a website like Snapinsta.app and upload it again. You can also edit your Reel before posting it using a video editing app like CapCut.

Problem 2: Shared to Facebook

Reels are typically shared to Facebook, by default. If you are getting this error, you’ll need to publish your Reel again and remove the permission to share Reels to Facebook.

Provided that you are not violating any of the other prohibitions, your ad should be approved.

Problem 3: Contains Gifs

Gifs are not currently supported by Reels Ads. This means that if your Reel contains a Gif, it will not be able to be boosted.

To solve this problem, post your Reel without any Gifs or Stickers.

Problem 4: Tappable Elements

Tappable elements are not currently supported by Reels Ads. This means that if your Reel contains any tappable elements, such as links or call-to-actions, they will not be clickable when viewed on a boosted Reel.

If you have an original version of your video, simply upload it again but without any tappable element. Note that if you filmed your video directly on the app, you won’t be able to remove the element. So in this case, filming a new one will be the solution.

Problem 5: Copyrighted Music

Copyrighted music is not currently supported by Reels Ads. This means that if your Reel contains any copyrighted music, it will not be able to be boosted.

Prohibited Reels copyrighted music

To solve this problem, create a new video using original sound instead of a song. 

In Conclusion

By following these solutions, you should be able to boost your Reels without any issues. Remember to always check the requirements for Reels Ads before posting to make sure your content is eligible.

Boosting your Reels is a great way to increase your reach and get more eyes on your brand. So take advantage of this feature and start promoting your business today!

About Jessica Campos

@jessicacamposofficial is an online marketing expert and founder of @marketingforgreatness. Our content marketing studio in Cedar Park, Texas offers SEO based content, branding, website, and social media solutions for brands ready to scale. 

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The Case Of Why You Should Create An Online Course (One That Sells)

The Greatness Blog

The Case Of Why You Should Create An Online Course (One That Sells)

If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a profitable online course.

No matter where you are in your life or career, you have something to teach the world. Perhaps you don’t have all the details today, but the idea of not having to sell your time to make money is getting you curious.


And, you’re not alone. A recent study showed that nearly 60% of Americans would take an online course if it fits their schedule and interests, but only 10% have actually done so.

Assuming you have the time and interest in creating an online course, let’s explore the case for why this is a great


The pros of creating an online course


1 – The barriers to entry are low.

In the past, creating an online course required expensive software and hosting platforms. But now, there are platforms like Teachable that make it easy and affordable to get started. You can create and host your course on their platform without any upfront costs.


2 – You can reach a global audience.

With an online course, you can reach people all over the world. You’re not limited by geographic location like you are with in-person courses or events.


3 – There are existing ecosystems that will help you reach the audience and sell your course.

Platforms like Teachable have built-in audiences of people who are looking to learn. And, they also handle all of the marketing and payment processing for you. This means that you can focus on creating great content for your course.


4 – The upcoming generations are very receptive to learning online.

If you’re thinking that online courses are a fad, think again. The latest data shows that e-learning is here to stay. In fact, the global e-learning market is expected to reach $325 billion by 2025.


Who learns online?


Data shows that people of all ages are learning online. In fact, according to the latest data from the US Department of Education, over 6 million students took at least one online course in 2016.


The breakdown by age group is as follows:


– Under 18: 2.6 million students (17%)

– 18-24: 3.1 million students (20%)

– 25-34: 1.6 million students (10%)

– 35-44: 1.2 million students (8%)

– 45-54: 0.9 million students (6%)

– 55 and older: 1.0 million students (7%)


All of the above reasons should be getting you excited about creating an online course, but there’s one more important factor to consider…


5 – It’s highly profitable.

While the average American worker makes $44,564 per year, the top 1% of course creators are making over $200,000 per year. In fact, some of the top online course creators are making millions of dollars per year.


How much can you charge for your course?

It depends on the length and depth of your course, but the average price of an online course is between $97 and $997. 


Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. And you will see lots of courses for FREE. They are great for lead generation.


The bottom line is that creating an online course is a great way to make money and allow you to work remotely – indefinitely. You are the creator of your own economy.


So the next question is: how do you actually build a real business from your courses?


A course business is part of the CAAS Industry (Content As A Service).


SAAS vs CAAS? What’s the difference?


What is SAAS?

The software-as-a-service (SaaS) model has become a popular way for companies to consume and pay for business software. SaaS represents a new category of software that delivers applications over the web. Rather than purchasing, installing, and maintaining complex on-premises software, organizations can now subscribe to simple, easy-to-use applications that are always up to date and accessible from any device with an internet connection.


What is CAAS?

Content as a service (CaaS) is a cloud-based content management system (CMS) that provides users with on-demand access to a library of digital content, including articles, videos, images, and more.


CaaS platforms are similar to other types of SaaS applications in that they are delivered over the internet and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. However, CaaS platforms differ from other types of SaaS applications in that they focus exclusively on content management.


While there are many different CaaS platforms available, they all share a common goal: to make it easy for users to create, manage, and deliver digital content.


The benefits of using a CaaS platform include:


– On-demand access to a library of digital content

– Ability to create, manage, and deliver digital content

– Ability to customize the look and feel of your content

– Increased efficiency and productivity


If you’re looking for a way to create, manage, and deliver digital content, then a CaaS platform is a great option.


There are many different CaaS platforms available, but not all of them are created equal. When choosing a CaaS platform, it’s important to consider your specific needs and requirements.


Some of the things you should look for in a CaaS platform include:


– Ease of use: The platform should be easy to use, even if you’re not a tech-savvy person.


– Content Library: The platform should have a library of digital content that you can access on demand.


– Ability to customize: The platform should allow you to customize the look and feel of your content.


– Increased efficiency: The platform should help you increase your efficiency and productivity.


– Marketplace features: The platform should have marketplace features that allow you to sell your courses.


The bottom line is that if you’re looking for a way to create, manage, and deliver digital content, then a CaaS platform is a great option. When we were exploring all the CaaS in the market: Kajabi, ClickFunnels, Teachable, Simplero, Thunkific, WordPress Plugins, and Kartra, we decided to go with Kartra. Kartra has offers the best SEO features and is great for technical SEO. If you’re in the market for a CaaS platform, try Kartra for free.

Tips To A Profitable Online Course


1 – Find an audience that is eager to learn. There’s no reason for you to convince people about why they should learn something.


2 – Before creating the course, find similar courses and do some ethical “cyberstalking”. Pay attention to their teaching style, platform, and most importantly, how they engage with their students.


3 – Use an evergreen model to ensure long-term profitability. You certainly don’t want to create a course that becomes obsolete within months.


4 – Create content marketing that helps you gain brand authority. This will make people want to buy your courses because they trust you.


5 – The key to selling courses is not to be too salesy. Instead, focus on providing value and helping people reach their goals.


6 – Use an email list to increase course sales. This way, you can stay in touch with your students and promote new courses to them.


7 – Offer a money-back guarantee to increase course sales. This will help you build trust with your audience and make them feel more comfortable buying your courses.


8 – Provide bonuses and other incentives to people who buy your courses. This will help you increase course sales and keep your students happy.


9 – Focus on giving your users a stellar customer experience. This will help you increase course sales and reduce refunds.

10 – Don’t create a course until you have students who are ready to learn from youOffer mini sessions for free so you can test your content with a real audience. Then you create paid content to expand from your free mini sessions. By doing this, you will be creating content for an audience that is ready to learn from YOU. This is the key to building profitable online courses.

Creating and selling a course can be a great way to make money online. However, it’s important to keep in mind that not all courses are created equal. In order to create a successful and profitable course, you need to focus on providing value, engaging with your students, and using marketing strategies that will help you sell your courses. And sometimes, a profitable course is one that you give away for free, as part as your customer acquisition costs. Long term, this can be a profitable activity.


If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a profitable online course. Just remember that it takes time, effort, and dedication to succeed. So don’t give up and keep moving forward!


Done for you course creation services: 


Hiring a team that can offer a done-for-you course creation services can save you time and energy; and most importantly, will cut your learning curve.

Why did we pick Kartra to build our courses? 

Kartra offers what most teaching platforms do: all-in-one content building, marketing, and sales. But there’s one area where they stand out from their competitors like ClickFunnels, Kajabi, Teachable, and others: you are able to create inside Kartra and take it to your WordPress. This is a big deal, especially for technical SEO. 

Try Kartra for free here.