The LinkedIn Marketing Trends You Need To Know Today

The Greatness Blog

The LinkedIn Marketing Trends You Need To Know Today

Brands are prioritizing LinkedIn more than ever. As Facebook (now Meta) rolled up their announcements for their main social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, users felt overwhelmed by the rapid changes. …

LinkedIn is a platform that focuses more on the professional industry. While most social media sites focus on personal communication and causal interactions, LinkedIn highlights various businesses’ professional opportunities and learning aspects. 

The target audience of LinkedIn is completely different. You will find two primary groups of audiences on the site. One is the hustlers, who started operating in the professional world and are looking for growth opportunities. The second group consists of successful content creators looking for new talents and individuals to become a part of their business. 

The site is currently very popular, with over 800 million users globally. It started operating as early as 2002 and quickly became one of the most in-demand sites for professionals. Most people looking for professional openings, connections, and interactions look towards LinkedIn to provide the exposure they need to grow. 

Linkedin’s Environment

The one thing that sets LinkedIn apart from all other social media accounts is its objective and environment. While most of the social media apps focus more on showing the personal aspect of users and helping them communicate, LinkedIn works differently. 

You will not find a plethora of selfies, long captions, or personal rants of people about their lives. Instead, the platforms allow users to interact professionally, showcase their skills and achievements, and provide feedback about their experience with businesses. 

People are now using the platform to maintain their brand recognition, apply for job openings, hire more individuals, expand business value, etc. The “Connect” feature on the site also lets professionals from similar or different industries interact and connect. 

You may even find businesses reaching out to professionals with robust opportunities and growth. Brand building is a great tool that most professional advertising, marketing, and insurance agencies use on-site. 

Linkedin Is Priority 

Brands are prioritizing LinkedIn more than ever. As Facebook (now Meta) rolled up their announcements for their main social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, users felt overwhelmed by the rapid changes.

LinkedIn leaders have shared some important insights that truly matter when crafting a LinkedIn strategy for 2022. 

“There was a time when B2B marketers could tap into B2C lookalike approaches to drive campaign success, but those days are over. Marketers must re-imagine everything, from the products they use, to how they reach their audiences, to what campaign success means. 

This is uncharted territory. The brands that win — that redefine the future of B2B digital advertising — will be the ones that are nimble and quick to test and iterate. 

Tomorrow’s successful marketers will never look back and plow forward, knowing that, although the future will never look the same, it will look much more successful than ever. 

The future is built on privacy, understanding buying groups, and mining the insights to effectively evaluate the buying signals to drive effective B2B marketing campaigns.”

We are excited to see LinkedIn putting so much stress on their groups. They probably understand that large-scale audience interaction is the best way to market on LinkedIn and can result in more profits, a better fan base, and improved overall results. 

Organic Growth 

LinkedIn offers an additional element to the content you create and post on the platform. This allows the crawler to easily locate your content and rank it much higher in results than other LinkedIn profiles and information listed on the platform.

Brands can still do the same using a blog, but that is quite expensive for most businesses. Therefore, they need to stick to basics to keep things streamlined. Users can also utilize LinkedIn articles, as they are good for building brand reputation, awareness, and creating brand recognition.

Linkedin Videos 

Linkedin Videos are becoming increasingly popular because of the increased demand and marketing benefits that LinkedIn recognizes. These videos offer better audience engagement, marketing results, and overall improved business ventures. It is why other social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram also started creating video content through reels in 2020. TikTok, on the other hand, is a full video marketing platform with millions of users.

For instance, statistics reveal that using video and audio content on LinkedIn pages is important to 85% of the users on the platform. 

Similarly, people have watched over 16 hours worth of long videos on the platform in recent times. Experts indicate that this number could soon increase drastically. 

Even YouTube claims that users watch nearly one billion videos daily, which will increase over time. 

Wyzowl’s 2020 report has also declared Linked In as one of the most powerful platforms for video content marketing. 


 Several statistics also indicate the similar importance of this video content online.

  • For example, 90% of the users believe that a video featuring a product helps meet the requirements of nearly all major businesses.

  • Similarly, nearly 84% of the consumers are okay with investing in a product or service after watching its video. 

  • Even professional marketers recognize the impact of video content and claim that it has helped boost their site traffic up to an 83%.

  • However, a wide majority of the users are also picky with the kind of video marketing they see. For instance, nearly 73% of the users prefer “entertaining” videos over traditional marketing videos.

LinkedIn Stories: Why they failed

As mentioned before, LinkedIn is a different platform compared to other conventional social media sites. LinkedIn tried to add stories into its accounts to make it more like the other apps and add features. 

While this feature worked for most social media apps, LinkedIn did not experience the same. The main reason was that the audiences did not use the feature enough, taking up unnecessary space. People prefer adding professional, and quality content on their LinkedIn accounts only instead of posting medium-quality content. 

The idea of adding Video stories on top of the platform made it feel alienated and did not get the response it expected. Therefore, the story trend did not fit with the LinkedIn account.

However, LinkedIn is working on alternative features that allow a more interactive environment for the users and keep their businesses running. 

What Are They Working On?

LinkedIn is now experimenting with new potential features to add more value to its site. While the site has good response rates, they need something new to keep the organic traffic engaged. Many brands and companies are talking about a Club House feature, including Instagram, Facebook, Slack, Spotify, etc. 

Similarly, according to recent statements, LinkedIn is working on its audio networking feature. LinkedIn will stick to Beta Testing for now, but we expect this feature to appear for other users soon. Like another platform, LinkedIn’s version of the feature will probably include the stage of the speaker’s front, a center, and a list of people in the audience lower down the screen.

It is now introducing other features like New Creator Mode, a Club House-like feature, which is a natural fit. 

Additionally, there are several powerful tools on the platform that most professionals miss out on. These features include the following:

  • Restricting your connection visibility

  • Private mode profile view

  • Showcase pages to segment your audience

  • Save searches

  • Sending messages without connecting

  • Meeting and interview scheduling, etc.

Bottom Line

LinkedIn is a powerful professional tool which can unlock a plethora of opportunities for aspiring professionals in their relevant industries. Several developments and new trends in the application can help you improve your organic traffic and get professional growth easily. We suggest you reach out to us for more information on LinkedIn Marketing trends for your profile today.

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The Instagram Marketing Trends You Need To Know Today

The Greatness Blog

The Instagram Marketing Trends You Need To Know Today

Instagram has made some serious changes in its operations in everything from the newsfeed, to the SEO enhancements on-site. These changes could maximize Instagram’s popularity, help the site get more views, followers, and overall users.

Instagram is a popular social media platform that has billions of users from around the world. It is currently the sixth most used social media site in the world. It is also the 10th most visited site in the US, with over 0.9 Billion visits in January 2021 alone. The social media platform was also the 5th most downloaded app in the App Store back in 2020, which all means that Instagram is here to stay. 

Like other social media accounts, Instagram is making some serious changes to its algorithm. The good news! Instagram has shed some light on how their algorithm works and which changes are coming up. 


These instructions and guides can help you better grasp what changes you can expect from future Instagram trends. As these trends evolve, we’ll be updating this content so you can always get the most relevant changes!

So let us begin. 


Videos: The Future of Instagram in 2022


In a word, it’s VIDEOS! Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, recently shared his vision related to Instagram. He claims that Instagram will consolidate all its content around videos and reels. They removed the IGTV brand to replace them with longer videos. However, users need to tap on these videos to watch them properly.

The platform also plans to introduce more monetization tools into the system to support and motivate content creators to produce more changes. Furthermore, the head believes they will focus more on their messaging app and provide more options to users.

Let us have a look at these changes on Instagram ahead.


Changes for Creators


Instagram plans to introduce several monetization tools including a Partnerships messaging folder. This is a dedicated folder to help creators keep a closer look at their sponsored opportunities, and communicate with brand marketers.

We may also see the application introduce a subscription option on the platform to boost the monetization process for content creators online. Some of these monetization tools also include the following:

Storefront Option: This will apply to creators that are a part of an affiliate program, which would allow them to create their products.

Photo App Update: The photo app is testing new branded content added to boost monetize the platform.

Sponsored Mark: Branded content tag ads will have a sponsored mark on them, rather than a paid partnership tag.

Subscriptions: The subscriptions options allow content creators several benefits including subscriber lives, stories, and badges. However, these additional options are only available for selected profiles and accounts. 


Messenger is getting revamped this year! 

There are plenty of useful tools and additions on the messenger app. It includes special features like swipe to reply to messages, reacting with any emoji, chatting with friends who use Facebook, etc. The best part is that users can do all of this without leaving the Instagram app at all.

How to know if you have the latest messenger features on Instagram?

Users who want to check if they have the latest messenger features on Instagram should check out this page.



Reels Feed 


As the platform shifts from image-only to mostly videos, we are seeing how Instagram is focusing on enhancing its Reels features. 


They have announced that all their videos will have Reels features. For instance, regular videos have features like “Remix,” so that others can open their camera and share a video reaction.


Video reactions are generating plenty of engagement, which is another recent update.


Since the algorithm favors those accounts that use their new features, we highly recommend staying on top of Reels trends, to get the most out of your Instagram Marketing.

Redesigned Home feed

Instagram has confirmed three new feed options will soon be available in the app. These include: 

Chronological Following feed. 

TikTok has been using this model since it went mainstream in 2018, and it works. It helps make surfing the app much easier and allows users to jump between pages with a single tap. However, one of the best features we believe is the following feed. Now, users can view their following feeds in chronological order so that they don’t miss out on the latest buzz in their profiles.


When apps are shifting, it will bring a never-ending list of updates that you’ll need to keep up. Stay focused on your big picture! Remember that social channels are simply your distribution channels. If you don’t have a close community, this is your sign to create it! I predict that Facebook Groups will gain more popularity for businesses and creators this year! 

Instagram’s Most Impactful Changes So Far (Trends)

Instagram has achieved several milestones regarding these focuses that we mentioned earlier. Interestingly, these changes helped create new trends for Instagram in 2022, and we believe that they are here to stay for the upcoming future.

Following are the most interesting changes and trends that Instagram experienced in recent times. 

Story Swipe Up

Instagram removed the swipe-up link in the Instagram stories in August of 2021. The popular addition helped high-profile creators to direct their Story’s viewers to a website; for more info on a product, or to read an article. It also allowed users to sign up for a service or promote other things that the creators wanted.

However, accounts with 10,000 followers or more could enjoy this feature. However, this restriction doesn’t exist anymore and now all accounts have a link sticker. They can use it to add links to their profile stories.

 “Tap the link” is the new call to action for these accounts, and honestly, people love it. The link sticker is customizable too. This allows users to change the old swipe-up call to action button as they want. For example, you can alter it for a specific and branded call to action. All you need to do is edit the URL 

How do you Swipe Up?

The short answer is you do not because the feature has changed on Instagram. 

Reels Get More Organic Reach

Reels have become a key frontier for organic reach on the app. The increased reach of Reels seems to have a knock-on effect of boosting your overall engagement, too.


Keep in mind that not all Reels are created equal. The performance of one Reel is by no means a predictor of the next.

The best thing you can do is to keep the consistency. 


How can you get more views on Reels?

There seems to be a few different factors at play here:


Timing and hashtags are likely still important for dictating the performance of Reels, but not as important as the quality and relevancy of the content. 

New Reels users of those who haven’t posted in a while may experience some ‘newbie’ gains ie. 

The Reels algorithm seems to work in a similar way to TikTok, where how your video performs in the first hour seems to affect how many people your video will ultimately reach.

Entertainment content works best!


SEO Enhancement

Instagram started optimizing its search bar for SEO requirements. It is because Instagram result ranking also matters in the long run. The platform introduced several new additions to make the site SEO friendly. 

For example, keywords are now displayed in the search bar, which allows users to choose relevant content, filter out unwanted creators and content and maximize the effectiveness of creation. This has also helped new creators introduce more content frequently for maximum reach and output. 

The explore page is not only displaying hashtag-based content, as it focuses on the broader content available on-site, rather than just what is trending. Moreover, the algorithm is using ALT features and artificial intelligence to recognize the content, beyond hashtags.

Virtual Reality Filters

Platforms like Snapchat gained popularity from their virtual reality filters that allow users to create content using these filters in the environment. Instagram has already announced that they will keep enhancing their VR filters.

B2B marketing

Instagram is a fantastic platform for B2B marketers. It provides a space for making new connections in almost any industry, at almost any stage in their development. For B2B marketing, Instagram works great to showcase your brand values, company culture, recognize your team, and humanize the brand. We expect the B2B marketing to improve quickly on Instagram.

Bottom Line

Instagram has made some serious changes in its operations in everything from the newsfeed, to the SEO enhancements on-site. These changes could maximize Instagram’s popularity, help the site get more views, followers, and overall users.

Instagram users should keep these algorithm changes and trends in mind while creating content in 2022 and ahead. For more tips and information about Instagram marketing, you can always reach out to us. We also suggest you check out our trend tips for other platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Tiktok, etc.

The Facebook Marketing Trends You Need To Know Today

The Greatness Blog

The Facebook Marketing Trends You Need To Know Today

Facebook is one of the longest-running social media platforms for personal and business users. There are several trends incoming from Facebook that could revolutionize how the platform operates. We expect Facebook groups to come back, and new advancements like the Metaverse could maximize the potential.

The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards a more digital world and there is no turning back. But what does it mean for business owners and marketers? 

The short answer: opportunity.

Americans spent on average 82 minutes per day on social media in 2020, a seven-minute jump from 2019 and a large upward revision from eMarketer’s original forecast. Social media has become more embedded in our lives than ever, and the increased reliance we’ve developed in the last year is likely here to stay.

Want our take on the state of social media marketing in 2022? 

Let’s roll!

Experts believe that the number of social media followers may reach 4.4 billion by 2025. It is because these social media platforms have not only helped people stay connected, but have also helped them maximize business requirements too. 

We are now stepping into the ultimate digital age, where things like multi-platform online payments are no problem and people are expanding their businesses in the online world.

For small business owners and solopreneurs, social media marketing means “a lot of work”. It is because the online market is robust, and requires consistent work. Especially the content creation part.

Let’s cut to the chase. Social media marketing can be a rabbithole if it’s not managed strategically. You log in just to catch up with some people, and the next thing you know you’ve spent 3 hours. 

Which social media platform is best in 2022?

Facebook, Instagram and Meta

Mark Zuckerberg has been clear about their vision and their focus. And the new name for Facebook gives us a clue! Metaverse! Zuckerberg has been dropping hints about it as early as 2015. In his words:

“You can plant a lot of seeds, not be committed to any particular one of them, but just see what grows. And this isn’t how we’ve approached this. We go mission-first, then focus on the pieces we need and go deep on them, and be committed to them.”

Over the last few years, Zuckerberg has been making big moves to acquire companies like Instagram and Whatsapp. All of those acquisitions had a purpose. And we can see it now.  

Facebook’s mission has always been to “Connect People” it is what has helped Facebook grow into one of the most successful companies globally. It is not only because it helps individuals, but business too.

Facebook Marketing Trends 2022

Facebook, now Meta, is still the biggest social channel. As a business owner, you can’t just ignore this channel. However, you can’t treat Facebook the same way you treat Instagram or LinkedIn. 

Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups are trending in 2022. As users want to be able to build meaningful connections, Facebook Groups simply make sense.

If you don’t manage a group yet, we highly encourage you to start by joining an active community so you can experience how is like to be part of a Facebook group.

 These groups can also help several other industries and areas because of the following perks they offer:

Support Their Local Community

Facebook groups primarily operate for the local community and allow more exposure to smaller, nearby businesses. This support can go a long way in terms of moral and financial support. There are over 3 billion businesses that advertise their business on Facebook.

Support Their Customers 

It provides support to the customers in case of a dealing issue, FAQ, or any other kind of support customers need. Customers can look for reviews, honest opinions, product updates, service center information, and much more through these social media groups.

Engage In Deeper Conversations

People can use the Facebook groups to engage in deeper conversations, considering it saves posts, comments, and remarks for further members to contribute later on. These deeper conversations have even helped set social media movements with various hashtags.

 A common example is the recent trend of #ReleaseTheSnyderVerse, where DC fans demanded a re-release of the Justice League movie, and DC delivered.

Do Market Research within Their Circle

It will also allow business owners to research within their circle and deliver the market needs more accurately. This accurate research can help personalize and redesign products more to meet the needs of the customers and fulfill their needs. 

Affordable Advertising Budget

Facebook will also help provide an affordable advertising budget by building brand loyalty and activating word of mouth for maximum results. This

Facebook Messenger 

Facebook messenger is another feature that business owners can leverage. Facebook Messenger statistics show that the app is the second most popular in its category as of October 2019.

So, the odds are in favor of you using Facebook’s messaging app. 

Marketing through Messenger leads to 10 to 80 times better engagement than organic posts on Facebook News Feed (Source: Mobile Monkey) This is a great opportunity, especially if you consider that Facebook’s News Feed organic posts get 0-2% visibility and no more than a 2% clickthrough rate. 

We recommend testing Messenger ads (or click-to-Messenger ads) and incorporating AI to have meaningful conversations with your users. 

Facebook Shop 

Facebook Shops make it easy for businesses to set up a single online store for customers to access on both Facebook and Instagram. Shops keep getting upgraded to add more integrations and make the shopping experience seamless to the users. 

If you’ve been considering having your e-commerce on social media, now it’s the perfect time to start that project.

Bottom Line.

Facebook is one of the longest-running social media platforms for personal and business users. There are several trends incoming from Facebook that could revolutionize how the platform operates. 

We expect Facebook groups to come back, and new advancements like the Metaverse could maximize the potential. We will keep you updated with trends for other social media platforms as well, so ensure keeping an eye out for more articles from us.